Wednesday 13 August 2008

PRODUCT: clothing and footwear
LAYOUT FEATURES: the picutre was taken from the bottom,models are using/wearing D&G stuff (clothes and footwear),the brand is at the right bottom of the adverd and also on top of the adverd,sex appeal,very colourfull
DOMINANT ELEMENT: the women,sex appeal,the clothes and footwear and the brand
TARGET AUDIENCE: for women use,age 20 above

Tuesday 12 August 2008

versace advert

PRODUCT: clothes wear
LAYOUT FEATURES: front view, three naked people and one with clothes who sitting on the icebox,they were at the beach relaxing and the brand is at the bottom.
DOMINANT ELEMENT: women and men,the clothes wear and sex appeal
TARGET AUDIENCE: for adult both for men and women,age 20 above
PERSUASIVE LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES USED:it shows that the clothes are comfortable and will look good on you.